POSTED: Kelly Clarkson On VH1's 'Unplugged'

Posted 14 minutes ago by Byron Flitsch in Celebrity, Interviews, Music, Posted, Videos

We've celebrated Kelly Clarkson as's POSTED Artist for the month of November by offering hearty video interviews and photo helpings. We devoured the sneak peek at her "VH1 Divas Celebrates Soul" promotional photo, and we even got a taste of Kelly's sense of humor. But this week, we get the chance to sample some juicy clips from the "What Doesn't Kil! l You (S tronger)" singer's recent VH1 "Unplugged" appearance. Eat up, guys!

First up, a video clip offers an excited Kelly chatting about how honored she was to be asked to tape her very first "Unplugged": "I flipped out because I love this show!" She even remembers seeing Nirvana and Mariah Carey performing for the same show when she was younger and adds, "I think it's such a cool thing to be able to create an intimate environment with an artist you really, really love." Well, we really, really love being up close and personal with you, girl!

Our second video captures Kelly's soulful performance of "Mr. Know It All." The singer's powerhouse voice flawlessly delivers a passionate, acoustic version of the break-up anthem while looking smoking hot in a red dress. Yo Kels, you should wear red more often. Slam dunk, sister.

Help yourself to more Kelly videos and photos at

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