OFFSTAGE: Kelly Clarkson Sings Carrie Underwood

Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson

(CMT Offstage keeps a 24/7 watch on everything that's happening with country music artists behind the scenes and out of the spotlight.)

I knew I'd love VH1's Unplugged: Kelly Clarkson because, really, who doesn't love Kelly Clarkson? And to hear her sing one of my very favorite Carrie Underwood songs? Clarkson's version of "I Know You Won't" is so powerful for so many reasons. One, she can belt out a song in such a sexy, bluesy way. Two, this 2007 song was outstanding. It was never released as a single, yet if it had been, it would have surely been a massive hit. It is depressing, but in a good way because she is finally admitting to herself that he is a bastard and will never change. And seriously, if there is a better line in Underwood's music than "I know you don't mean to be mean to me," I have not heard it. And three, I love the cello. It's not very often you get to hear strings like that on a song like this, which just adds to the drama of it all. Now if I could just get Clarkson and Underwood to duet, I could die happy.