Kelly Clarkson on Ron Paul backlash

Kelly Clarkson earned some buzz in December when she showed some love for Ron Paul.

The American Idol winner wrote on her Twitter feed, I love Ron Paul. I liked him a lot during the last republican nomination and no one gave him a chance. If he wins the nomination for the Republican party in 2012 hes got my vote. Too bad he probably wont.

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Paul fans obviously appreciated the support (Paul himself even touted it) and helped boost Clarksons music sales, but Paul detractors didnt and gave Clarkson sufficient grief.

In a new interview in the March 15 issue of Rolling Stone, Clarkson explains the media whirlwind that resulted from a simple tweet.

Im hanging out with my brother and my little niece, playing Barbies, and Ron Paul comes on TV. He doesnt BS around anything. I was like, This dude is refreshing. All I did was tweet what I thought, and people went crazy! All of a sudden people were like, You hate gay peoplewhat? I didnt even endorse him! All I said was that I liked him. I voted for Barack, so its not even like Im a hardcore Republican.